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Обновился для 1.108 подростковый пакет от участника нашего клуба sexybeast12162 (SuperBeat12 на AML). Номер версии не изменился.

Teen Pak Update 2024/07/24 1.0.0

Что нового в версии 1.0.0   


-Обновлено для последнего патча

-Незначительные исправления

-Обновлены коды взаимодействия для компьютера


Добавил в Simfileshare 




Первый молодежный/подростковый пак

Прежде всего, есть две особенности

- Половое созревание

-Животное учителя

-Воздушные шары для полового созревания Социальные взаимодействия




-Социальные взаимодействия для периода полового созревания. Часть мода (для других будет еще больше)


Перевод от sergeitim72.

  • Лайк (+1) 1

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Уважаемые, подскажите, пожалуйста, для чего нужен NisaK_Snowy_Escape_AutoPatcher (и нужен ли?) версия игры, версия Нисы - NisaWickedPerversionsv2_2_7c

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I know how eager everyone is, Including myself for the update to WickedWhims, and i'm sure everyone is Frustrated at waiting for the update. But however, let's remember that creating quality mods takes time and dedication. We should support the content creator by being patient while they work on the update.

In the meantime, exploring other mods or games can help alleviate the wait and keep our gaming experience fresh. Let's show our support by being understanding and patient as we wait for the updated ww.


Я знаю, как все с нетерпением ждут обновления WickedWhims, включая меня, и я уверен, что все расстроены ожиданием обновления. Но, тем не менее, давайте помнить, что создание качественных модов требует времени и самоотверженности. Мы должны поддерживать создателя контента, проявляя терпение, пока он работает над обновлением.

Тем временем изучение других модов или игр может помочь облегчить ожидание и сохранить игровой опыт свежим. Давайте покажем нашу поддержку, проявив понимание и терпение, пока мы ждем обновленного ww.

  • Лайк (+1) 13
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Odd the ONE TIME Turbodriver goes for a vacay happens to be during the launch of Loverstruck which I figure would need a lot of work for a ww update even just to make it work without LEs on the new update. I don't know why he did it but for all I know it could be EA being dicks or maybe it was something Turbo couldn't control. Can't wait for the update drop hopefully today and I hope Turbo is doing alright. 

  • Лайк (+1) 1

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Perverted_Expansion_Pack Ver2.1.0 - http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4835228/



Perverted Expansion Pack : Day Afters!


Ver 2.1.0 Very important, please read.

**SPECIAL NOTE!! The release of this mod doesn't mean you need to update your game. As you know, this mod depends on Wicked Whims and at the moment, that hasn't been updated but this will work if you haven't updated your game yet and when Wicked Whims updates this will still work. (and if it doesn't I'll issue the update then)


New Additions

Perverted Expansion Pack Options 

  • -Set your female sims underwear preferences. Choose from a pastel pallet, darks or variety. (So the top matches the bottom.) Set to variety for default.
  • -Set your male sims underwear preferences. Choose from briefs pallet, boxers or variety. Set to variety for default.



-Introducing "Day After" Social Interactions. (work in progress... just beginning really check the discord for more info!)

 These are what I would refer too as relationship re setters. What they are, is specific social interactions that will become available after sims have had a sexual encounter with another sim. They require a number of conditions to be met for them to appear and have consequences tied to them.


For example, if your sim gets drunk, and only teases with another sim, after the sim sobers up, they have an opportunity to let the other sim know, how they feel about it.. (was it a mistake or not) and it places relationship markers on both sims to keep track of the memory of the event. (and how they felt about it)


Conditions that alter the interaction would be: were both sims drunk? (this will start introducing opportunities for sims to "take advantage of drunk sims and the penalties that can come with that), was your sim cheating on a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? How far did the sex go? Was it just some teasing and kissing? Or did they go all the way? Each of these factors will alter the available interactions. Other future factors will include age, drugged drinks, attractiveness, etc.


They will be autonomous so NPC's have the chance to take the initiative and let the player know how they feel about what happened the night before.


Interactions available for Sexually Awkward so far:

  • -I'm so embarrassed about my behaviour. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -I'm so embarrassed about my behaviour. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -I'm so embarrassed about my behaviour. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was a teen and the other was an adult and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -It's embarrassing but I had fun. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
  • -It's embarrassing but I had fun. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
  • -It's embarrassing but I had fun. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was an adult and one a teen and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)

Interactions available for Pervert so far:


  • -I regret what we did together. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -I regret what we did together. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -I regret what we did together. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was a teen and the other was an adult and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -What happened between us was so hot. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
  • -What happened between us was so hot. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
  • -What happened between us was so hot. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was an adult and one a teen and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
  • -Added Tool Tips to every option. Now extra info and explanations will show when player places cursor over option in pie menu
  • -Added proximity buffs for Sexually Awkward sims to recognize female sims that have had their tops eaten, disintegrated or ripped off.
  • -Added proximity buffs for Sexually Awkward sims to recognize female sims that have had their bottoms eaten, disintegrated or ripped off.

Ripping Clothes Off

  • -Added new black panties as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
  • -Added new black bra as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
  • -Added new black purple bra as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
  • -Added new black purple panties as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
  • -Added all missing buffs sims receive for ripping bras off other sims.
  • -Added all missing buffs sims receive for ripping undershirts off other sims.


Realm of Magic

  • -Added all missing buffs sims receive for disintegrating bras off other sims.
  • -Added all missing buffs sims receive for disintegrating undershirts off other sims.



  • -Temperance is a Perverted Devious SexManiac by default and comes with a high "ripping clothes off" autonomy.




  • -Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include attraction conditions for Pervert (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)
  • -Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include attraction conditions for Sexually Awkwards (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)



  • -Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include family relation conditions for Pervert (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)
  • -Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include family relation conditions for Sexually Awkwards (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)


Bug Fixes

  • -Fixed a number of Relationship Milestones that weren't displaying properly.
  • -Fixed an error that was allowing Sexually Awkwards without the "Clothing Destruction Capable" trait to disintegrate clothing during wizard battles. Now they'll need that again.
  • -Added missing actions from "Fondle & Kiss in a Closet regarding ripping clothes off for Sexually Awkward sims that obtained the "clothing destruction capable" trait.
  • -Fixed a "Try to rip (simsname) panties off" interaction appearing without conditions and under Friendly->Small Talk


Required files

  • Wicked Whims
  • XML Injector
  • Skarrd Bra and Panty
  • Skarrd_Boxers_03
  • Skarrd_Lingerie_Basket

Confused about some of the features? Check out the Playing Instructions - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/78165-sims-4-skarrds-traits-strip-poker-update-on-patreon/


  • Лайк (+1) 2
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On 7/30/2024 at 6:01 PM, DARKHALO said:

i'm sure everyone is Frustrated at waiting for the update. But however, let's remember that creating quality mods takes time and dedication.

I waited a few hours for ColonolNutty to to fix his mods including Devious Desires.
WW is not a quality mod. If you ever take a look at the code you'll realize that it's a piece of shit. It breaks with (nearly) every tiny TS4 update. I'm really happy that I don't use it.

  • Лайк (+1) 2
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  • Так себе (0) 3

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44 minutes ago, Kosiora said:

I waited a few hours for ColonolNutty to to fix his mods including Devious Desires.
WW is not a quality mod. If you ever take a look at the code you'll realize that it's a piece of shit. It breaks with (nearly) every tiny TS4 update. I'm really happy that I don't use it.

In essence, that it's difficult to pinpoint exactly what constitutes a "quality mod" because it depends on the individual preferences and opinions.

As for when I said "creating quality mods takes time and dedication" This still remains the same For all content creators.

  • Лайк (+1) 4

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NisaWickedPerversionsv2_2_7da - http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4836181/

[OPTIONAL]Disable_WickedMermaids - http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4836180/



Jatest Changes
v2.2.7a 07/12/2024

•Patched WP for the latest public version
of WW, 180b.
• No Patch needed for the latest Patreon Version of WW, 182.2 just released!
v2.2.7b 07/12/2024
• Quick and dirty hotfix for bug resulting in an error when panties are created in the
game while using the public version of WW!
v2.2.7c 07/13/2024
• Oopsie, something from a future update, not ready for the public yet, has sneaked
into the release build of the mod. Your sims were holding in their pee!!!! Not
good, fixed LE relating to using the toilet autonomously. Your sims are free to
sprinkle the flowers again!
v2.2.7d 07/24/2024
• First Patch for the Lovestruck Expansion! Note this is a partial patch! More things
Will likely need to be patched as WW patches for Lovestruck, Lovestruck releases,
and I digest all the changes Lovestruck brings. But for now, this should prevent
my mod from causing LEs in your game.
• Fixed a bug preventing Sensually Tight details from clearing on Occult Sims.
v2.2.7da 08/02/2024
• A pre-patch for the upcoming WW patch for Lovestruck! Safe to install before WW
gets hotpatched, but make sure you have this when you do install the WW patch!


  • Лайк (+1) 6
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Я был на патреоне Турбодрайвера, он только что выпустил обновление Злых Капризов. Теперь мы все можем перестать ссориться и приставать к нему, чтобы он это сделал, потому что ОН ТОЛЬКО СЕЙЧАС СДЕЛАЛ!!!

  • Лайк (+1) 2

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Отличная новость на счет WW! И даже без перевода можно попробовать, хотя с ним лучше... Сейчас установлю пока как есть... Тем более мод должен воспринять свои старые профили, а новые опции (если есть новые, а не просто обновление под 1.108, инфу не искала по обновлению), можно донастроить без перевода, главное чтобы без него не было пустых строк в настройках и т.п....


Не совсем в тему...
Эх... Жаль что с этим обновлением BE стал ругаться на мод AEP... Правда не знаю работают ли нормально его функции, особенно домашний заработок на аккаунте в компе... (мод ругается на скрипт даже когда я не выполняю ни каких действий связанных с этим модом)...

Обожала его "домашние" функции - не имея офиц. карьеры заводила своей симкой (или симом) домохозяйкой (обычно те, кто зарабатывал писательством или рисованием, редко таких отправляю на работу, тем более ставлю моды на замедление этих процессов) аккаунт в этой сети и использовала как доп. заработок по мере необходимости... Правда такая "подработка" получается читерной - один ВИП-сеанс дает у меня порядка 900-1100 симолеонов... А т.к. нет ограничения по кол-ву таких сеансов в день (маленькая не доработка, я бы понерфила эту функцию уменьшив оплату в 1,5-2 раза за сеанс, а также ограничив максимум 5ю такими сеансами в сутки...)... Хотя у меня много модов, может это не в самом моде так, а у меня закралось что-то что влияет на этот тип заработка в сторону увеличения...
Кто-нибудь знает - планируется ли обновление данного мода AEP Pornography? Просто лично у меня чуть ли не впервые стал относительно часто выдавать ошибку (ВЕ ругается). Ну как часто, если вчера, к примеру, в охотку поиграла часа четыре, то за это время 3-4 раза BE запускал сканирование, а это 1-3 минуты на которые игра замирает, т.к. модов у меня много. Причем не говорит что конфликт с тем-то, а просто указывает, что скрипт этого мода является 100% причиной ошибки и сканирования ВЕ.
Извините, что не совсем в тему, возможно это больше в ошибки модов... Если модераторы посчитают нужным - перенесите плиз. Просто т.к. здесь он указан как и другие связанные с WW моды, то позволила себе написать здесь...

Изменено пользователем Kasany
  • Лайк (+1) 2

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WickedWhims v183 - 3 August 2024 - http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4836593/



WickedWhims is compatible with the 1.108.335 (July 26) game patch.


Hey! Thank you for waiting on the WickedWhims update a bit longer than usual! The last time it took me this long to fix things up was like... 5 years ago 😄 I'm still away and will be for a while but I took my work with me so everything could be updated. There are still more things I want to do with Lovestruck and I still need to look at my other mods but you should now be able to enjoy playing with WickedWhims 💜


Thank you for all of your lovely and supportive messages! You don't have to worry about me, I'm doing well ❤️


The Lovestruck expansion pack is NOT required to play WickedWhims.
‼️The 1.108.335 game patch (or newer) is required to play WickedWhims.



◆ General 1.108.335 game patch and Lovestruck expansion pack compatibility

Hopefully I covered all the tiny changes to the game code and files... let me know if you spot any inconsistencies or something missing!

◆ Added support for Romantic Boundaries

  1. WickedWhims now respects the Romantic Boundaries set in CAS. This includes the Polyamorous and Cuckold Wicked Attributes which automatically adjust Sims Romantic Boundaries.
  2. The Polyamorous Wicked Attribute is now technically unnecessary but you can still use it to adjust Sim's Romantic Boundaries without going into CAS.

◆ Replaced Relationship Utilities jealousy setting

  • The "Jealousy Switch" setting has now been replaced with "Emotional Jealousy Switch", "Physical Touch Jealousy Switch", and "Sex Jealousy Switch" to reflect the different jealousy types the game now recognizes. If you had jealousy disabled, you need to disable it again for each jealousy type.

◆ Attractiveness & Lovestruck compatibility
◆ Added 'Attractiveness Lovestruck Display Switch' setting

  • Attractiveness is now combined with Lovestruck Attraction if you have the pack installed. Besides CAS Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs synchronizing with Attractiveness, what you select in CAS directly affects Attractiveness scoring. This combined scoring then overrides the Lovestruck Attraction so you get the best from both of the features.
  • If you don't want to see the Lovestruck Attraction and prefer Attractiveness you can switch the 'Attractiveness Lovestruck Display Switch' setting. And of course if you don't like the idea of combining Attractiveness with Lovestruck Attraction then simply disable Attractiveness and default Lovestruck Attraction will be used.

◆ Combined Lovestruck 'Scan the Room' with Attractiveness

  • I was surprised to see that the Scan the Room interaction from Lovestruck Romance skill does... nothing. It doesn't actually show you attractive Sims, just gender preference compatible Sims. So with Attractiveness enabled, scanning the room will instead show you attractive Sims via Attractiveness but with the new flashy effects. Unfortunately, to assure parity of the feature, you can no longer see which Sims are considered unattractive.

◆ Removed Attractiveness CAS Likes & Dislikes

  • I didn't want to remove these from CAS but due to changes in how the game handles CAS Likes & Dislikes / Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs, I was forced to remove these. Perhaps I will be able to somehow bring these back in the future but for now you can only adjust Sim Attractiveness preferences in-game, not in CAS. The CAS Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs will still automatically synchronize with Attractiveness.

◆ Adjusted asking for sex to consider new CAS traits, Relationship Dynamics, and Lovestruck Attraction
◆ Create-A-Date WooHoo activity can be completed with sex
◆ Improved how the list of playlists is displayed
◆ Added 'BLANKET' sex location category for animators


  • Лайк (+1) 9
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Added 'BLANKET' sex location category for animators. Probably the change I'm most excited for.

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NisaWickedPerversionsv2_2_7dad - http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4836844/




Latest Changes
v2.2.7a 07/12/2024

•Patched WP for the latest public version of
WW, 180b.
• No Patch needed for the latest Patreon Version of WW, 182.2 just released!
v2.2.7b 07/12/2024
• Quick and dirty hotfix for bug resulting in an error when panties are created in the
game while using the public version of WW!
v2.2.7c 07/13/2024
• Oopsie, something from a future update, not ready for the public yet, has sneaked
into the release build of the mod. Your sims were holding in their pee!!!! Not
good, fixed LE relating to using the toilet autonomously. Your sims are free to
sprinkle the flowers again!
v2.2.7d 07/24/2024
• First Patch for the Lovestruck Expansion! Note this is a partial patch! More things
Will likely need to be patched as WW patches for Lovestruck, Lovestruck releases,
and I digest all the changes Lovestruck brings. But for now, this should prevent
my mod from causing LEs in your game.
• Fixed a bug preventing Sensually Tight details from clearing on Occult Sims.
v2.2.7da 08/02/2024
• A pre-patch for the upcoming WW patch for Lovestruck! Safe to install before WW
gets hotpatched, but make sure you have this when you do install the WW patch!
v2.2.7dad 08/03/2024
• I missed a comma in the release builds, how embarassing. Fixed the LE resulting in
a fuck-ton' of LEs when sims got jealous.


Изменено пользователем DARKHALO
  • Лайк (+1) 6
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3 минуты назад, DARKHALO сказал:

NisaWickedPerversionsv2_2_7dad - http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4836836/


  Показать контент


Latest Changes
v2.2.7a 07/12/2024

•Patched WP for the latest public version of
WW, 180b.
• No Patch needed for the latest Patreon Version of WW, 182.2 just released!
v2.2.7b 07/12/2024
• Quick and dirty hotfix for bug resulting in an error when panties are created in the
game while using the public version of WW!
v2.2.7c 07/13/2024
• Oopsie, something from a future update, not ready for the public yet, has sneaked
into the release build of the mod. Your sims were holding in their pee!!!! Not
good, fixed LE relating to using the toilet autonomously. Your sims are free to
sprinkle the flowers again!
v2.2.7d 07/24/2024
• First Patch for the Lovestruck Expansion! Note this is a partial patch! More things
Will likely need to be patched as WW patches for Lovestruck, Lovestruck releases,
and I digest all the changes Lovestruck brings. But for now, this should prevent
my mod from causing LEs in your game.
• Fixed a bug preventing Sensually Tight details from clearing on Occult Sims.
v2.2.7da 08/02/2024
• A pre-patch for the upcoming WW patch for Lovestruck! Safe to install before WW
gets hotpatched, but make sure you have this when you do install the WW patch!
v2.2.7dad 08/03/2024
• I missed a comma in the release builds, how embarassing. Fixed the LE resulting in
a fuck-ton' of LEs when sims got jealous.


Good afternoon. Your link is broken. Can you fix it?

  • Лайк (+1) 1
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3 minutes ago, maksimko12 said:

Good afternoon. Your link is broken. Can you fix it?

just fixed it

  • Лайк (+1) 3

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Уже вышло новое обновление Wicked Whims v183.1, видимо какие-то ошибки исправил.

  • Спасибо (+1) 2

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WickedWhims v183.1 - 4 August 2024 - http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4838468/




◆ General 1.108.335 game patch and Lovestruck expansion pack compatibility

Hopefully I covered all the tiny changes to the game code and files... let me know if you spot any inconsistencies or something missing!

◆ Added support for Romantic Boundaries

  • WickedWhims now respects the Romantic Boundaries set in CAS. This includes the Polyamorous and Cuckold Wicked Attributes which automatically adjust Sims Romantic Boundaries.
  • The Polyamorous Wicked Attribute is now technically unnecessary but you can still use it to adjust Sim's Romantic Boundaries without going into CAS.

◆ Replaced Relationship Utilities jealousy setting

  • The "Jealousy Switch" setting has now been replaced with "Emotional Jealousy Switch", "Physical Touch Jealousy Switch", and "Sex Jealousy Switch" to reflect the different jealousy types the game now recognizes. If you had jealousy disabled, you need to disable it again for each jealousy type.

◆ Attractiveness & Lovestruck compatibility
◆ Added 'Attractiveness Lovestruck Display Switch' setting

  • Attractiveness is now combined with Lovestruck Attraction if you have the pack installed. Besides CAS Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs synchronizing with Attractiveness, what you select in CAS directly affects Attractiveness scoring. This combined scoring then overrides the Lovestruck Attraction so you get the best from both of the features.
  • If you don't want to see the Lovestruck Attraction and prefer Attractiveness you can switch the 'Attractiveness Lovestruck Display Switch' setting. And of course if you don't like the idea of combining Attractiveness with Lovestruck Attraction then simply disable Attractiveness and default Lovestruck Attraction will be used.

◆ Combined Lovestruck 'Scan the Room' with Attractiveness

  • I was surprised to see that the Scan the Room interaction from Lovestruck Romance skill does... nothing. It doesn't actually show you attractive Sims, just gender preference compatible Sims. So with Attractiveness enabled, scanning the room will instead show you attractive Sims via Attractiveness but with the new flashy effects. Unfortunately, to assure parity of the feature, you can no longer see which Sims are considered unattractive.

◆ Removed Attractiveness CAS Likes & Dislikes

I didn't want to remove these from CAS but due to changes in how the game handles CAS Likes & Dislikes / Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs, I was forced to remove these. Perhaps I will be able to somehow bring these back in the future but for now you can only adjust Sim Attractiveness preferences in-game, not in CAS. The CAS Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs will still automatically synchronize with Attractiveness.

◆ Adjusted asking for sex to consider new CAS traits, Relationship Dynamics, and Lovestruck Attraction
◆ Create-A-Date WooHoo activity can be completed with sex
◆ Improved how the list of playlists is displayed
◆ Added 'BLANKET' sex location category for animators

◆ [v183.1] Fixed issues with dates and aspirations


Everything in bold is what's now.

  • Лайк (+1) 8
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Perverted_Expansion_Pack Ver2.1.1 - http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4838550/  (Patreon version) of the mod by skarrd



Perverted Expansion Pack : Day Afters!


Ver 2.1.1

  • Change log: Version 2.1.1 -Fixed an invalid value for a file in the Vampire Addon


New Additions

Perverted Expansion Pack Options 

  • -Set your female sims underwear preferences. Choose from a pastel pallet, darks or variety. (So the top matches the bottom.) Set to variety for default.
  • -Set your male sims underwear preferences. Choose from briefs pallet, boxers or variety. Set to variety for default.


  • -Introducing "Day After" Social Interactions. (work in progress... just beginning really check the discord for more info!)
  •  These are what I would refer too as relationship re setters. What they are, is specific social interactions that will become available after sims have had a sexual encounter with another sim. They require a number of conditions to be met for them to appear and have consequences tied to them.
  • For example, if your sim gets drunk, and only teases with another sim, after the sim sobers up, they have an opportunity to let the other sim know, how they feel about it.. (was it a mistake or not) and it places relationship markers on both sims to keep track of the memory of the event. (and how they felt about it)
  • Conditions that alter the interaction would be: were both sims drunk? (this will start introducing opportunities for sims to "take advantage of drunk sims and the penalties that can come with that), was your sim cheating on a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? How far did the sex go? Was it just some teasing and kissing? Or did they go all the way? Each of these factors will alter the available interactions. Other future factors will include age, drugged drinks, attractiveness, etc.
  • They will be autonomous so NPC's have the chance to take the initiative and let the player know how they feel about what happened the night before.

Interactions available for Sexually Awkward so far:

  • -I'm so embarrassed about my behaviour. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -I'm so embarrassed about my behaviour. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -I'm so embarrassed about my behaviour. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was a teen and the other was an adult and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -It's embarrassing but I had fun. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
  • -It's embarrassing but I had fun. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
  • -It's embarrassing but I had fun. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was an adult and one a teen and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)

Interactions available for Pervert so far:

  • -I regret what we did together. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -I regret what we did together. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -I regret what we did together. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was a teen and the other was an adult and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
  • -What happened between us was so hot. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
  • -What happened between us was so hot. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
  • -What happened between us was so hot. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was an adult and one a teen and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
  • -Added Tool Tips to every option. Now extra info and explanations will show when player places cursor over option in pie menu
  • -Added proximity buffs for Sexually Awkward sims to recognize female sims that have had their tops eaten, disintegrated or ripped off.
  • -Added proximity buffs for Sexually Awkward sims to recognize female sims that have had their bottoms eaten, disintegrated or ripped off.

Ripping Clothes Off

  • -Added new black panties as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
  • -Added new black bra as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
  • -Added new black purple bra as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
  • -Added new black purple panties as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
  • -Added all missing buffs sims receive for ripping bras off other sims.
  • -Added all missing buffs sims receive for ripping undershirts off other sims.

Realm of Magic

  • -Added all missing buffs sims receive for disintegrating bras off other sims.
  • -Added all missing buffs sims receive for disintegrating undershirts off other sims.


  • -Temperance is a Perverted Devious SexManiac by default and comes with a high "ripping clothes off" autonomy.


  • -Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include attraction conditions for Pervert (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)
  • -Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include attraction conditions for Sexually Awkwards (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)


  • -Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include family relation conditions for Pervert (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)
  • -Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include family relation conditions for Sexually Awkwards (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)

Bug Fixes

  • -Fixed a number of Relationship Milestones that weren't displaying properly.
  • -Fixed an error that was allowing Sexually Awkwards without the "Clothing Destruction Capable" trait to disintegrate clothing during wizard battles. Now they'll need that again.
  • -Added missing actions from "Fondle & Kiss in a Closet regarding ripping clothes off for Sexually Awkward sims that obtained the "clothing destruction capable" trait.
  • -Fixed a "Try to rip (simsname) panties off" interaction appearing without conditions and under Friendly->Small Talk

Required files

  • Wicked Whims
  • XML Injector
  • Skarrd Bra and Panty
  • Skarrd_Boxers_03
  • Skarrd_Lingerie_Basket

Confused about some of the features? Check out the Playing Instructions - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/78165-sims-4-skarrds-traits-strip-poker-update-on-patreon/


Everything that's bold is new, which is only the change log.


Все, что выделено жирным шрифтом, новое, это только журнал изменений.

  • Лайк (+1) 4

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WickedWhims v183.2 - 4 August 2024 - http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4838592/




v183.2 [2024-08-4]
◆ [v183.2] Fixed aspiration error (object of type int has no len)


v183.1 [2024-08-4]
◆ General 1.108.335 game patch and Lovestruck expansion pack compatibility

Hopefully I covered all the tiny changes to the game code and files... let me know if you spot any inconsistencies or something missing!

◆ Added support for Romantic Boundaries

  • WickedWhims now respects the Romantic Boundaries set in CAS. This includes the Polyamorous and Cuckold Wicked Attributes which automatically adjust Sims Romantic Boundaries.
  • The Polyamorous Wicked Attribute is now technically unnecessary but you can still use it to adjust Sim's Romantic Boundaries without going into CAS.

◆ Replaced Relationship Utilities jealousy setting

  • The "Jealousy Switch" setting has now been replaced with "Emotional Jealousy Switch", "Physical Touch Jealousy Switch", and "Sex Jealousy Switch" to reflect the different jealousy types the game now recognizes. If you had jealousy disabled, you need to disable it again for each jealousy type.

◆ Attractiveness & Lovestruck compatibility
◆ Added 'Attractiveness Lovestruck Display Switch' setting

  • Attractiveness is now combined with Lovestruck Attraction if you have the pack installed. Besides CAS Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs synchronizing with Attractiveness, what you select in CAS directly affects Attractiveness scoring. This combined scoring then overrides the Lovestruck Attraction so you get the best from both of the features.
  • If you don't want to see the Lovestruck Attraction and prefer Attractiveness you can switch the 'Attractiveness Lovestruck Display Switch' setting. And of course if you don't like the idea of combining Attractiveness with Lovestruck Attraction then simply disable Attractiveness and default Lovestruck Attraction will be used.

◆ Combined Lovestruck 'Scan the Room' with Attractiveness

  • I was surprised to see that the Scan the Room interaction from Lovestruck Romance skill does... nothing. It doesn't actually show you attractive Sims, just gender preference compatible Sims. So with Attractiveness enabled, scanning the room will instead show you attractive Sims via Attractiveness but with the new flashy effects. Unfortunately, to assure parity of the feature, you can no longer see which Sims are considered unattractive.

◆ Removed Attractiveness CAS Likes & Dislikes

I didn't want to remove these from CAS but due to changes in how the game handles CAS Likes & Dislikes / Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs, I was forced to remove these. Perhaps I will be able to somehow bring these back in the future but for now you can only adjust Sim Attractiveness preferences in-game, not in CAS. The CAS Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs will still automatically synchronize with Attractiveness.

◆ Adjusted asking for sex to consider new CAS traits, Relationship Dynamics, and Lovestruck Attraction
◆ Create-A-Date WooHoo activity can be completed with sex
◆ Improved how the list of playlists is displayed
◆ Added 'BLANKET' sex location category for animators

◆ [v183.1] Fixed issues with dates and aspirations


Everything that's bold is new


Все смелое – новое.

Изменено пользователем DARKHALO
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Дискуссия по поводу заработка Турбо перенесена в тему Флудилка, как несоответствующая теме.

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Обновились Patreon-странные расширения и -анимации от SimsAlchemist. 

Weekly Animations #33, Ass Worship Update & More Kritical Furniture Animations! Updated KE For The EA Pre-Patch (Patreon)

Что нового

Содержание 2024-07-25 

Предварительный патч от 23 июля сломал принцип работы пользовательских отметок «Нравится» и «Дизлайк». Пользовательские настройки не будут отображаться ни в одном моде, использующем их, если только создатель не изменит базовую настройку, чтобы добавить их. Но тогда это сделает его несовместимым с любым другим модом, делающим то же самое. Поэтому единственный способ заставить их работать — это глобальный мод, добавляющий пользовательские настройки для всех. Я бы предпочел просто придумать другой способ или реализовать ту же концепцию другими интересными способами.

Если у вас возникнут какие-либо проблемы, кроме отсутствующего меню «Нравится» и «Не нравится», пожалуйста, дайте мне знать! Спасибо за терпение и понимание.

Вот совместимая версия, без ошибок или проблем с экраном загрузки, но, к сожалению, мне пришлось пожертвовать функцией пользовательских настроек (пока)


Содержание 2024-07-20 

Пакет «Поклонение заднице и фетиш на пуканье» показался мне недооцененным. Я добавил два параметра в пользовательское меню «Нравится» и «Не нравится» в CAS. Теперь вы можете настроить, нравится ли вашим симам поклонение заднице, и будет ли оно даваться или получаться.

Добавлено новое дразнящее взаимодействие, связанное с Ass Worship. Если у вас установлен вышеуказанный пакет, оно будет отображаться в категории грязных разговоров.

Добавлен новый набор речевых уведомлений к ранее упомянутому взаимодействию с некоторым разнообразием, отвратительность слов зависит от того, какие соответствующие фетиши есть у вашего сима.

Правильно помечены все анимации водных видов спорта, теперь они должны отображаться в контексте «мочиться» в WW. (На этой неделе я позабочусь, чтобы все анимации в других пакетах также имели соответствующие теги)


Еженедельные анимации:

(Фемдом/Футджоб) Связанный и раздразненный - Кресло для бондажа от Kritical's Posture https://wicked.cc/objects/kritical/posture-bondage-chair/

(Водные виды спорта) Styx Писсуар M/A

2 публичных:

Грубая порка 1 - Скамья для порки Kritical https://wicked.cc/objects/kritical/spanking-bench/

(Фемдом/Минет) Связанный и осушенный 1 - Кресло для связывания в позе Kritical







All Kinky Expansions (25.07.2024)




Цель этого мода — добавить в игру изюминку и пикантность. Ранние версии представляют собой основу, которая включает в себя два основных фетиша и более грязный игровой процесс, основанный на отношениях симов, ситуациях, настроении и многом другом. Взаимодействия в этом моде НЕ являются случайными и НЕ принудительными, симы должны привыкнуть друг к другу, чтобы говорить на более странные темы. Если симы еще не знают друг друга хорошо, взаимодействия будут более расплывчатыми и менее прямыми.



Включенные функции:


Подробные фетиши: по желанию, вы можете выбрать любой, который вам нравится. 


Симам любопытно только поначалу, они могут говорить о ногах, воспитывать их и позволять своему любопытству разрастаться, пока со временем не станут более открытыми для этой идеи. Есть также две черты, связанные со стопами, одну можно получить в магазине наград  или  выбрав любое стремление в категории « ступни»  , на данный момент есть только одна дорожка стремлений, которая открывает более продвинутый уровень / черту фут-фетиша. Симы могут негативно взаимодействовать с фут-фетишистами, которые поднимают ноги из ниоткуда, но если сим разделяет тот же фетиш, все происходит по-другому. (Также добавлена черта пота для поклонников ног с соответствующими мудлетами для ближайших симов)





Черта «извращение мочи» означает, что ваш сим увлекается водными видами спорта. Вы можете получить ее через магазин наград. Как и любой другой фетиш, который я планирую добавить и улучшить, этот тоже не будет слишком прямым. 


Если у вашего сима есть излом, а у другого сима его нет, у вас будут только любопытные взаимодействия , такие как два на скриншоте ниже. Если у двух симов один и тот же излом, будет разблокировано больше взаимодействий (в ближайшее время я также собираюсь выпустить для них анимацию и больше взаимодействий!)



Nasty Talk:  добавляет в игру больше мудлетов, взаимодействий и элементов игрового процесса (содержащих ненормативную лексику), основанных на отношениях между симами. Некоторые из этих взаимодействий открываются после того, как симы уже занимались сексом, некоторые открываются после того, как они поцеловались или привыкли друг к другу и т. д. Это сделано для того, чтобы симы не были вульгарными по отношению к другим, которых они едва знают, и так далее. 





Перевод от Urayxor 

  • Лайк (+1) 2

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Обновился для 1.108 мод от Jughandle Работа для взрослых- Порно-карьера. Активная карьера. 

Adult Work Enterprises - Pornography Career 2.6.1

Что нового в версии 2.6.1 

Обновлено для версии игры 1.108

Добавлена сцена горничной для активных рабочих дней. Стримеры и актеры теперь могут собирать воду для ванны и продавать ее через магазин на компьютере, на распродаже во дворе или в розничном магазине. Другие также могут покупать воду для ванны через компьютерный магазин. Знаменитости теперь могут создавать фотографии с автографами в своих собственных инвентарях. Эти фотографии также можно продавать через новый магазин AWE. Устраняет требование членства фанатов для выбора Frat Party.



Инжектор XML,

Wicked Whims, 

Zerbu's venue list или  Basemental's venue list

Lot 51 Core Library


Для активной карьеры потребуется «Get Famous» и список мест проведения. 




Big Dick Problems

Fashion Authority


Это полноценная карьера для молодых людей до стариков. Она предназначена для профессионального рабочего времени, когда они работают в течение дня, а не по выходным. Симы-клептоманы увидят пользу в предметах, которые они могут принести домой. В этой карьере есть только один путь. Начиная с версии 1.3.0, существует также карьера производства, в которой предусмотрена работа на дому. Симы, достигшие 5-го уровня актерской карьеры, могут подписаться на получение подарков по почте. Начиная с версии 2.0.0, симы на уровне карьеры 5 или выше могут посещать различные студии типа «AWE Porn Studio» для активной карьеры. Вам нужно будет назначить этот тип лота любому участку в мире, чтобы иметь возможность использовать функцию активной карьеры. 






Симы с чертами «Сексуальное воздержание» или «Страх наготы»  не могут  присоединиться к карьере. Симы должны будут набрать очки навыков в фотографии, харизме, натуризме или эксгибиционизме и актерском мастерстве. Определенные уровни потребуют определенного уровня славы, чтобы получить повышение. Дополнительную информацию см. в документации в загружаемом файле.





Перевод от Just.

  • Лайк (+1) 5

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Обновилась для 1.108 активная карьера от Jughandle Карьера эскорта

Adult Work Enterprises - Escort Career 1.1.3

Что нового в версии 1.1.3 

Обновления возможностей карьеры и фильтров для пакета расширения Lovestruck




основная библиотека Lot51

AWE Pornography Career





Это активная карьера на полный рабочий день для симов, которые хотят, чтобы им платили за секс со случайными людьми. Начиная с версии 1.0.0 для всех уровней существует одно карьерное событие, когда сим идет в бар, чтобы совершить половой акт. Игрок должен решить, какой тип полового акта будет совершаться, и оплата будет одинаковой для всех. Документ с информацией о карьере всегда будет содержать самую актуальную информацию.


Симы с половым воздержанием, страхом наготы или вечной верностью не могут заняться карьерой.


Перевод от Stokman.

  • Лайк (+1) 4

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